Establishment of Discipline Character Through PKn Materials on Class V Students of SDN Gelaran 2


  • Fitria Ani Rohmah Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia
  • Hawwin Fitra Raharja Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia



Establishment of discipline character, PKn materials


Charakter training right now is extremely fundamental, on the grounds that as of now the Indonesian country is encountering a person emergency in the country's kids. As far as what is implied by character is the person, character, ethics, or character in an individual that is shaped from the consequences of encouraging different excellencies that have been accepted and utilized as a reason for viewpoint, think, act, and act. This study utilizes a subjective exploration approach and the kind of spellbinding subjective examination. Information were gathered utilizing perception, meetings, and documentation techniques. The targets of this study are (1) to depict the development of disciplinary person in students through Civics subjects for class V SDN Gelaran 2, (2) To describe Civics subjects can shape the discipline character of students in class V at SDN Gelaran 2. The results of this study are (1) The formation of a disciplined character in students through Civics Class V subjects at SDN Gelaran 2 is realized through material understanding the rights, obligations and responsibilities as citizens in everyday life and the teacher also always provides confirmation of the values of disciplined character and ethics or good morals such as showing discipline in the process of learning activities, both time discipline, discipline in doing assignments, and discipline in the classroom, one of which is creating a conducive atmosphere, focusing on lessons, and then the teacher also always sets an example of being disciplined to students , (2) very good for students, students can not violating school rules, wearing uniforms in accordance with school regulations, not being late for school, listening to explanations from teachers when learning activities are in progress, carrying out class picket assignments and not disturbing friends while teaching and learning activities.


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How to Cite

Rohmah, F. A., & Raharja, H. F. . (2022). Establishment of Discipline Character Through PKn Materials on Class V Students of SDN Gelaran 2. IJPSE Indonesian Journal of Primary Science Education, 2(2), 58–66.


