Inculcating Pancasila Values Through Pop Up Storybook Thematic Learning Strategies in Grade 2 SDN Sidokerto 2


  • Sri Wulandari Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia
  • Hawwin Fitra Raharja Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia



Pancasila value, Thematic, Pop up storybook


Indications of the decline in knowledge and practice of Pancasila in students include students who still do not memorize the Pancasila precepts, the sense of national unity and unity begins to fade and the behavior of loving the homeland decreases and the occurrence of moral degradation in society. Above all, signs of a decline in the knowledge and practice of Pancasila among students are students who still do not remember the teachings of Pancasila, the sense of unity and national unity that is starting to fade, and the attitude of love for their homeland and homeland. the world is reduced, the emergence of moral depravity in society. Therefore, this research aims to increase knowledge and practice of Pancasila for the next generation. The way that can be done to overcome this problem is to instill and provide knowledge about Pancasila through learning strategies. In elementary school learning is done with thematic learning. Thematic learning uses Pop Up Storybook learning media to make it easier for teachers to provide learning materials. This media contains pictures and stories that contain symbols and symbols as well as the application of Pancasila values in daily activities. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques namely Observation, Interview and Documentation. Data analysis by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification. Based on the problems that exist at SDN Sidokerto 2, learning using pop up storybook media can "provide understanding, attitudes, and skills in society that there are differences in life, but can maintain unity and harmony by seeing illustrations that are almost the same as actual events" through affirmation story that has been written in the pop-up. The process of inculcating Pancasila values through the Thematic Pop Up Storybook learning strategy for grade 2 students at SDN Sidokerto II looks more fun and students become interactive. With the planting of Pancasila values that are tucked away in the learning process students are able to know and be able to participate in and carry out activities that reflect Pancasila values with guidance from the teacher.


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How to Cite

Wulandari, S., & Fitra Raharja, H. . (2022). Inculcating Pancasila Values Through Pop Up Storybook Thematic Learning Strategies in Grade 2 SDN Sidokerto 2. IJPSE Indonesian Journal of Primary Science Education, 2(2), 11–16.


