The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type of Co-op Co-op on Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Class IV


  • Muflikhatun Ainiyah Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nuruddin Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia



Influence, Cooperative learning model of co-op co-op type, Learning outcomes


This studies is a quantitative studies with the form of pre-experimental layout exam. In this overview, there have been gatherings in which first graders have been given getting to know with the aid of using now no longer using innocent to the surroundings getting to know fashions or normal systems, whilst at the second one accumulating understudies have been given choosing up using the network middle getting to know version. The units on this overview have been the important test (pre-test) and the remaining test (post-test). The evaluation of facts on this exam makes use of explaining exam and inferential actual exam with the help of the SPSS (Quantifiable Pack For Humanism) program. The effect of this take a look at is the ability to recognize the cloth as regards to the perimeters and areas of squares and rectangular shapes previous to using the getting to know version usual it's miles set as a medium and after the usage of the getting to know version is normally asked as proficient or high. For the prevailing situation there's an exceptionally large getting to know sway akin to 0.000. This large really well worth indicates 0.000 < 0.05 so H0 is brushed off and H1 is perceived. That is, on this focus on the usage of a innocent to the surroundings getting to know version of the general public venue kind impacts understudy getting to know effects and there's a simple effect among understudies` ability to recognize the perimeters and rectangular areas and rectangular shapes previous to using the form of public venue. accommodating getting to know fashions. interest and use of a public venue getting to know version this is affordable for fourth grade understudies of SD In addition to Pesantren Al-Anwar Paculgowang.


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How to Cite

Ainiyah, M., & Nuruddin, M. (2022). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type of Co-op Co-op on Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Class IV. IJPSE Indonesian Journal of Primary Science Education, 2(2), 109–114.


