The Effect of Crossword Puzzle Media on Student Learning Outcomes on The Theme of Events in The Life


  • Titik Diana Lutfi Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nuruddin Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Indonesia



Crossword puzzle, Student learning outcomes


Description of the Effect of Crosword Puzzle Media on Student Learning Outcomes. In this study using a pre- experimental research method Design. This research was conducted at SDIT Darul Falah Cukir which used a sample of 23 students. The instrument in this study was an initial test( Pretest) and a final test( posttest). Informasi analysis in this study used descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis with the help of a computer with of Statistiical Packae For Social Sciences( SPSS) version 17. 0 program. From the results of this study, it can be interpreted or concludid this after using the Crossword Puzzle media for fifth grade students of SDIT Darul Falah Cukir there is a learning effect on the Sub- Theme of National Events Regarding the Proclamation of Independence for fiftth grade students at SDIT Darul Falah Cukir, it shows that there is a significant difference of 0. 000 more less than 0. 05 signiificance ( 0. 000< 0. 05), then the hypothesis( H1) in this case is declared accepted in this study. Namely, the effect of using scroswoord puzzle media on student learning outcomes, there is a significance between students ability to understand the material in the Sub- Theme of National Events Regarding the Proclamation of Independence before and after using scroswoord puzzle media for fifth grade students at SDIT Darul Falah Cukir.


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How to Cite

Diana Lutfi, T., & Nuruddin, M. . (2022). The Effect of Crossword Puzzle Media on Student Learning Outcomes on The Theme of Events in The Life. IJPSE Indonesian Journal of Primary Science Education, 2(2), 41–47.


