Implementation of the creative response project model to improve student learning outcomes


  • Dewi Sandriya Agnestina Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari
  • Arisni Kholifatu Amalia Shofiani Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari



Kata Kunci: penerapan model pembelajaran, proyek respons kreatif, teks cerita inspiratif


Education which is very closely related to learning activities, where the
learning process involves various supporting elements ranging from students to
teachers. Learning in which the process of interaction and the process in which a
teacher will be the party who imparts knowledge while students are the parties who
receive knowledge. Learning activities must make students feel comfortable with it
so that the knowledge conveyed will be well received . One of the things that can be
done is to apply an innovative learning model, as is the case with the creative
response project learning model . Where this learning model has its own charm for
students, because students will be more likely to capture what they see and hear,
rather than just what they see or hear. In that case students will be more active in
learning because in this creative response project model the students are more
active, in using this creative response project learning model you can also see the
increased learning outcomes of students, and the responses of students who are so
very enthusiastic. The goal to be achieved from the implementation of this research
is to describe student responses, student activities, and student learning outcomes
by applying the creative response project learning model. This type of research is a
quantitative descriptive research. The sample taken in this study was class IX at SMP
Negeri 1 Diwek, Jombang Regency. With a population of class IX F with a total of 28
students. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires, observation
sheets, and question sheets which included pretest and posttest . Based on the
results of the analysis which shows that: 1) The students' response to the lesson is
classified as positive with a percentage of more than 50% in a classical manner. 2)
student activity is classified as very active with a classical percentage of 86.18%. 3)
the learning outcomes of students achieve 100% completeness classically with an
average grade of 92.67


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How to Cite

Agnestina, D. S., & Arisni Kholifatu Amalia Shofiani. (2023). Implementation of the creative response project model to improve student learning outcomes. Jurnal Disastri, 5(2).