1. Neutrality; the editor is neutral in selecting and screening manuscripts. The editor must be objective and fair to all writers who submitted their written works. The editor is forbidden to be discriminative to the authors in terms of gender, ethnicity, religion, race, intergroup, or nationality.
  2. Reporting; editor reports the selection and reviews scripts clearly and accurately to the author based on accuracy, completeness, and clarity of reporting of result research and its development, including editing techniques and the use of guidelines for publication and screenwriting.
  3. Communicative; editor communicates effectively and efficiently in the process of publishing the journal. Every suggestion and criticism from authors, reviewers, and journal managers should be addressed clearly, fairly and transparently.
  4. Fairness; editor distributes scripts to editor team members and reviewers fairly based on their respective competence.
  5. Professional; editor works professionally based on his duties and responsibilities. The editor should understand any policy related to journal publication. The editor ensures that every script has undergone the editorial process and review correctly, fairly, and objectively.
  6. Responsibility; editor takes full responsibility for the success of journal publication. Editor guarantees that every journal article published is a new paper and not a copy, and gives benefits to those reading and accessing the journals.
  7. Disclosure of conflicts of interest; editor upholds copyright and privacy of each other to avoid conflict of interest. Should a conflict of interest arise with other parties, an editor must solve it justly and wisely.