
Jurnal Cartersian

Title Cartesian: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Publications Biannual (April and November)
DOI prefix 10.33752 oleh Crossref
Online ISSN 2809-0918
Editor-in-chief Sari Saraswati
Citation Analysis Dimensions | Google Scholar | Garuda
Publisher Matthematics Education Department, Hasyim Asy'ari University in cooperation with Indonesian Mathematics Educators Society (I-MES) [Link MoU]

Cartesian: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (e-ISSN: 2809-0918 is a single peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia by the Department of Mathematics Education, Hasyim Asy'ari University Jombang, Indonesia. This journal aims to facilitate and promote the dissemination of scholarly information on research and development in the field of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The articles published in this journal can be the result of research, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovations, best practices, and book reviews.

Focus and scope of this journal are mathematics education such as research and development, quantitative, qualitative, experiment, mixed methods research, literature review, meta-analysis, classroom action research, survey. They can be analyzed more into research topics related to realistic mathematics education, mathematics ability, ICT in mathematics education, ethnomathematics, mathematics learning models, mathematical thinking processes, mathematics learning assessment, instruction, learning environments, higher-order thinking skills in mathematics education, learning evaluation, and metacognitive in mathematics education. Cartesian (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) aims to help teachers, lecturers, students, researchers, and education practitioners to be able to distribute writing or scientific work in improving the quality of education field, especially in the field of mathematics education.

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