Author Guidelines

General Requirements

Cartesian: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika accept articles of scientists/academics and practitioners in mathematics education or related in Indonesian and English language, could be the result of research or the literature review articles related to mathematics teaching and learning. Articles that have been submitted by the authors will go through the first review stage by the editorial team and if appropriate, they will then be processed in a blinded review by the reviewers. Articles must meet the criteria for similarity to Turnitin of 20%. Script/article typed on A4 size paper and the margin format left 40 mm, right, top, and bottom 30 mm, and should be typed with Times New Roman, font size 12 pt (except the title), 1.15 spaced. The number of pages 5-15. Authors can see the format of the article on the following page template.

Structure of The Manuscript

    1. The header of the journal contains the name of the journal, volume and number of issues, ISSN, pages of the article, and symbol of the journal.
    2. The title should describe the content of the paper, the word is 10 - 15 words. The title is presented in Indonesian or English (according to the language used in the article) with Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, and single spacing.
    3. Authors’ profiles are presented in full names of all authors (without a title), name of institution of all authors, e-mail address of contributor author which is presented with Times New Roman, font size 12 pt and uses single spacing.
    4. The abstract should be 150 - 250 words; without citation. The Abstract section must contain the research objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions. Please provide the abstract in both Indonesian and English versions which is presented with Times New Roman, font size 10 pt, and single spacing. Keywords are taken from the variable that is included in the title, no more than 7 words, and written alphabetically.
    5. The introduction section describes the background of the research, state of the art, gap analysis and novelty, the problem of the research, solutions, and the objective of the research.
    6. The method section describes the kind and method of the research design or procedure, subject, location, sample technique (if any), sample used must be specific and clear in number, variables to be measured, research instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
    7. The results and discussion section describes the results of the research and their interpretation in relation to other relevant theories or research. It should be presented clearly and concisely. The author should explore the research result, the novelty, the impact, or the contribution of the work to the mathematics education literature.
    8. The conclusion should be an answer to the question or research objective and should be written in a paragraph or more, not in numeric or pointer form.
    9. The references are required a minimum of 10 references either from articles or books related to the topic raised. The references not more than the last 10 years. The references are required to use the references manager as Mendeley, Zotero, etc. The references are written using the American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th Edition.
    10. The footer of the journal contains the names of authors and DOI.
    11. The table uses single spacing, then the number and title of the table are written at the top with a center alignment, the form of the table can be seen in the template presented.
    12. The picture number and the title are written at the bottom with a center alignment, the form of the picture can be seen in the template presented.
    13. Furthermore, the format for writing articles can be seen on the following page template.