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Analisis Isi Pesan Dakwah Habib Hasan Bin Ahmad Al-Aydarus Dalam Obrolan Ringan Bersama Habib Mustofa Al Haddar Pada Akun Youtube Habib Hasan Tanjung


  • Muhammad Yusuf Ramadhani Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng
  • Suhari Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng



Dakwah Messages, Habib Hasan Alaydrus, Youtube Habib Hasan Tanjung


Abstrac - The context of this research stems from the video content that the researcher saw on Habib Hasan bin Ahmad Al-Aydarus's YouTube channel social media account in spreading his da'wah with many subscribers and containing da'wah content that was casual but contained. Then from the way how Habib Hasan bin Ahmad Al-Aydarus presented and conveyed his interesting, updated message of da'wah, as well as the language and speech he used was easy for various groups to understand, ranging from teenagers and adults.


The focus of the problem in this research is; “Analysis of the Contents of Habib Hasan Bin Ahmad Al-Aydarus' Dakwah Messages in Light Chat with Habib Mustofa Al Haddar on Habib Hasan Tanjung's Youtube Account. This study used the library research method with a qualitative approach. That is by collecting data by observing, documenting and studying literature. Then the data will be analyzed until it is conical to get a  conclusion. By using qualitative content analysis presented descriptively.


The results show that the content of Habib Hasan Bin Ahmad Al-Aydarus' da'wah message was in a small talk with Habib Mustofa Al Haddar on Habib Hasan Tanjung's Youtube account. It is a message that includes faith, morals and sharia. By using small talk language but giving deep meaning related to the social life of the community.


The conclusion is that life should not be too dizzy because Allah SWT does not burden His people.. Allah SWT does not burden His people, except according to his ability, according to his ability. Furthermore, Habib Musthofa's response about new institutions such as Rabithah Alawiyah which have sprung up a lot, so that many people claim to be descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Habib Musthofa Al-Haddad regretted the emergence of an institution that rivaled Rabithah Alawiyah, he strongly disagreed with the presence of this institution because he was afraid that it would only become a tool for elements who claimed to be Habib to gain personal benefits, the desire to be respected by others, he even said the person was only want to benefit economically by using the title Habib.


Keywords: Dakwah Messages, Habib Hasan Alaydrus, Youtube Habib Hasan Tanjung


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How to Cite

Ramadhani, M. Y., & Suhari. (2023). Analisis Isi Pesan Dakwah Habib Hasan Bin Ahmad Al-Aydarus Dalam Obrolan Ringan Bersama Habib Mustofa Al Haddar Pada Akun Youtube Habib Hasan Tanjung. Menara Tebuireng : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 18(2), 16–29.


