
  • Fikriyyah D3 Manajemen Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • I.G.L. Putra Eka Prismana Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The calculation of the value of accreditation is done by assessors using Microsoft Excel, copy paste method is used
to include the value of National Education Standards (NES) / Standar Nasional Pendidikan which stands for eight
standards. It can cause data easily changed by irresponsible person which make invalid data.On the other hand the
value of accreditation is important to mark the establishment of competence to educational organizations.
To solve this problem, calculation system of accreditation assessment for elementary or level education is design
with web technology. It is implement with the latest Laravel technology which use PHP for programming
language. For database system, MySQL is choose to handle data. Standard of calculation use regulation for scoring
and ranking which legalized by Minister of Education in Indonesia by the Number 11/2009. The design system is
made based on SOP for accreditation of elementary education in Indonesia.
As result, web based application is made. It can calculate the value which entered by the accessor and send it right
away to the server. Several level of user is configure to maintain and administer the entry is specific to level of
user. It can also give report to concern user as per table, graphic, and print it out to PDF. Many things not to be
done right how such as warning system is detailed by month, use access for school/institution, upload by excel
system. Hopefully this minor can be accomplish by next research.

Keywords : Accreditation School, Elementary School, Laravel, Calculation System


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