Author Guidelines



The following guidelines for prospective authors apply:

  1. The article must be original and based on research that is not yet published elsewhere.
  2. The article is the result of research, both field research and library research.
  3. Please submit your article in Indonesian and English.
  4. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English
  5. The article is typed using Goudy Old Style Font type 12 with space 1.5 A4 paper size. Size margins: top 3 cm, left 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, right 3 cm. The length of the article is a minimum of 4.000 words and a maximum of 8.000 words, including figures, illustrations, tables, and bibliography.
  6. The article must include: 1) title, 2) author's name (without title), 3) author's agency, 4) abstract in English and Indonesian, 5) keywords, 6) introduction, 7) discussion, 8) conclusion and 9) bibliography.
  7. The article should also include an abstract of about 150-250 words and 3-5 keywords.
  8. Quotations (footnotes) and bibliography must follow the Chicago Manual Style 17th Edition Style.
  9. It is recommended to use Template.