Guru Tasawuf Ḥaḍrat al-Shaykh K.H. M. Hasyim Asy’ari di Makkah

Menyelisik Catatan C. Snouck Hurgronje tentang Syekh ‘Abd al-Shakūr Surabaya


  • Fathurrochman Karyadi Ma'had Aly Sa'idusshiddiqiyah Jakarta



Hadrat al-Shaykh, Sufism teacher, Syech Abd al-Shakur Surabaya


This article will answer a question who is the Sufism teacher Ḥaá¸rat al-Shaykh Hasyim Asy’ari in Makkah? To answer this question, the writer uses primary and secondary data. The first is primary data, the author is guided by the manuscript in the book of Ḥaá¸rat al-Shaykh's legacy. A philological approach is needed to read it. While the second is secondary data, the author refers to Snouck Hurgronje's writing which records the activities of the hajj, especially the Javanese community in Mecca. In this study, the authors found data on the name of Syekh ‘Abd al-ShakÅ«r Surabaya as Ḥaá¸rat al-Shaykh's teacher in the field of Sufism along with some information related to the teacher that is not often found in the existing literature.


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Pandji Masjarakat, 16, 1-2-60, Th. II/II-78.



A. Ginanjar Sya’ban, Jumat 23 April 2021




How to Cite

Karyadi, F. (2021). Guru Tasawuf Ḥaḍrat al-Shaykh K.H. M. Hasyim Asy’ari di Makkah: Menyelisik Catatan C. Snouck Hurgronje tentang Syekh ‘Abd al-ShakÅ«r Surabaya. Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society, 1(2), 182–194.