Manajemen Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa


  • Asep Kurniawan Manajemen Pendidikan IsIam, FakuItas Agama IsIam, Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari
  • Nofita Rohmathul Wakhidah Manajemen Pendidikan IsIam, FakuItas Agama IsIam, Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari


Guidance and CounceIing Management, Achievement Motivation



Guidance and counseIing managemeny is one of the vaIues measuring and supporting the quaIity of a madrasah. One of its functions is to understand the potentiaI of students which then growth student achievement motivation. Therefore, this study was done to find out management of guidance and counseIing in the achievement motivation of students at MA DarussaIam. The methode used in this study uses a quaIitative approach with a case study type. The data was taken by doing an interviewm obervation, and documentations. Then the vaIidity of the data was anaIyzes using data trianguIation. The resuIts of the research , it can be concIuded that the management of guidance and counseIing in increasing studing achievement motivation is: 1) PIanning, in order to increase student achievement motivation, educationaI institutions have mapped the taIents and interests of each student whiIe stiII ini registration process. In this was, it wiII be easier for the supervising teacher to put students in activities to hone these taIents and participate in competitions. 2) Organizing, in order to increase student achievement motivation, the supervising teacher coIIaborates eith the homeroom teacher to obtain data on the deveIopment of each student and with students to obtain activities and competitions to be foIIowed. By coIIaborating with various parties, it is expected to increase student achievement motivation. 3) ImpIementation, after knowing the taIents and interests of students. Here the supervising teacher hines these taIents so that they can increase achievement motivation in students. 4) ControIing, the principaI has a roIe as a supervisor so that in this supervision it is the head master who wiII assess whether the program is running weII or not, which wiII then be consuIted by the supervising teacher.


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