Analisis Penyusunan Evaluasi Diri Sekolah (EDS) dan Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah (RKAS) di Sekolah Dasar


  • Afifah Raihannisa Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta


Self-Evaluation, Budget Activity Plans Schools, Masaran Terpadu Muhammadiyah Elementary School



The purpose of this study is to analyze (1) the preparation of School Self Evaluation at SD Muhammadiyah Terpadu Masaran and Activity Plans and School Budgets at SD Muhammadiyah Terpadu Masaran This type of research is a qualitative research. Research data obtained through interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that (1) SD Muhammadiyah Terpadu Masaran has implemented EDS while things are evaluated in accordance with the 8 National Education Standards (SNP). (2) EDS at SD Muhammadiyah Terpadu Masaran is used to evaluate school programs for one year, then the evaluation results are used as a benchmark to create a new program or continue the previous program in the following year. (3) There are 2 types of RKAS in SD Muhammadiyah Terpadu Masaran, namely the total RKAS and the SIMDA RKAS whose distribution of these RKAS is based on the source of budgetary income. (4) The adjustment RKAS is used to adjust the budget funds to the activity plans and school budgets.


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