Manajemen Kesiswaan sebagai Sarana Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik


  • Mohammad Khoirul Umam UNHASY
  • Abdullah Aminuddin Aziz UNHASY


Student management, formation, character of students.


Students when occupying the MTsN bansu are in the age period that is most vulnerable to the flow of promiscuity and does not filter out all forms of actions that exist in the association. Associating with the opposite sex is no longer a worry to mix together. So here the existence of educational institutions plays an important role in fortifying students to choose associations that bring them to the flow of positive things.

In this scientific study, the researcher uses qualitative research methods with the type of field research. Several data collection techniques use observations, interviews, and also documentation to strengthen the facts of field data that will be used as research results and then drawn into a conclusion to make it easier for readers to understand the text of this scientific work.

The researcher stated the results of this study that: 1) Student management at MTsN 3 Jombang was carried out with the POAC principle, namely by planning the program first, then organizing or setting such as the division of job descriptions, Next was by Actuating or implementing the planned program, Next was controlling by full supervision to ensure the program runs according to the objectives that have been set. 2) The implication of student management in shaping the character of students at MTsN 3 Jombang is that it can be seen that there is a change in attitude towards being more ta'dzim to the teacher. This happens because of the habituation method that can change the mindset and behavior of students to be more disciplined. Researchers hope that the discussion of the themes studied in this scientific paper can provide encouragement to students to always improve their behavior and mindset.


Keywords: Student management, formation, character of students.


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Tatang, Heri. Jurnal DIALOGIKA Manajemen dan Administrasi, Volume 2 Nomor 2, April 2021





