Strategi Kepala Madrasah dalam Mengembangkan Madrasah Literasi


  • Mohammad Syauqi Han Arrajby Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang
  • Suwandi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang


Literasi, Strategi, Pendidikan, Literacy, Strategy, Education



The quality of education that cannot be measured by standard sizes makes Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Pamekasan continue to improve the quality of education, as can be seen from the infrastructure that is increasingly adequate and always improved, human resources are always updated with knowledge and abilities through education and training, branding and promotion through Web and other breakthrough innovations as a strategy to compete with other Madrasahs in the same class as Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Pamekasan. The literacy movement that is carried out is starting how the learning process is then presenting the learning outcomes. Then still in 2015, start small because most Indonesians will be interested in good examples and results. Starting from the procurement of programs in the scope of the acceleration class. Namely the SIREP program (Silent Reading Program).

The qualitative approach method is used in this study, because the data needed by the researcher is data directly on the object under study. Strategic leadership develops a variety of appropriate strategies depending on the context for creating value. Strategic leadership refers to the ability of a manager to suggest his vision to the company but also persuade and empower all employees.

This is a strategy for managing employees. Thanks to strategic leadership, both may influence employees and make organizational modifications.


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