Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Guidelines

Types of Manuscript

As a basic requirement, all manuscript submitted to JIES: Journal of Islamic Economics Studies must be original work, and is submitted exclusively to this journal. An original research article presents original empirical findings or conceptual inquiries that have not been published anywhere before. Details, particularly about research methods, description of the results, and discussions/conclusions are required to ensure that the readers (and referees) have sufficient information to comprehend and benefit from the work. The articles may not contain persuasive arguments justifying policy recommendations or act as a decision-making tool for target audiences. To ensure an anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in the body text of their manuscript, except for title page (see instructions on the next section).


Manuscripts are written in good academic Indonesian or English. All spelling and vocabularies should refer to Webster’s International Dictionary. Single authors should not use the word “we.” Authors for whom English is not their native languages are encouraged to have their paper checked for grammar and clarity before submission.

Articles Writing 

Format Front page: 

The title, written with several important words carefully, right, good, interesting, and well organized, and coherently. Title must be written in capital letters (12pt). Number of words in the title should be no more than 15 words.

The author, contains the name (without a title), institution / company where the author works, address (fax / phone, email or postal code), and include contact detail to correspondence with the author (10pt).

Abstract, contains a brief description of the reason for the research, the approach or method used, important results and policy implications in English and Indonesian. As much as possible do not insert formulas and references. The abstract should be no more than 200 words by using single-spaced, Times New Roman font, size of 10pt (italic), and easily understood by all parties. There should be maximum five keywords that reflect the content of the article.

Page Contents:

The articles should be minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 12 pages. The article should be typed in rich Microsoft Word (.doc), A4, spaced 1 cm using Times New Roman 11 pt, except for the section title. The article consists of several chapters separately and do not use encoding either the title or subtitle. The chapters are:

Introduction, describes the arguments on why the submitted article contains an interesting research and why it is important to be conducted. To answer that, the introduction should contain the background, state of the art of the research that was previously conducted in the same topic and gap analysis to show where the research contributions were made to the development of the topic discourse (novelty). The Introduction section concludes the objectives of the research to be achieved. The entire introduction should be presented in a straightforward and concise manner with a portion of no more than 20 percent of the total pages.

Methods, includes the types and sources of data that describes data and information collection techniques, and data analysis methods example contains data retrieval techniques and analysis of the data used and contains the framework of research in the form of a flow chart of research.The overall methods should be presented in a straightforward and concise manner with at least 20 percent of the total pages.

The results, consist of two major parts of the results and the discussions without having to firmly separate between the parts. Divisions of sub-sections in Results and Discussions should illustrate and follow the sequence of the research objectives. The results present the empirical findings of the research conducted, while the discussions discuss the findings obtained. Discussions of findings do not only present the story behind the data but also compare the results obtained with those of the previous studies. Comparison with other research results also serves to indicate the position of the research conducted in the middle of the discourse of relevant topics. At the end section, the managerial implications of the results and discussions should be presented, especially for the business world. The overall Results and Discussions should be presented in a straightforward and concise manner with at least 50 percent of the total pages.

Conclusions and Recommendations, conclusion should be in the form of response from the intended purpose and is not intended as a summary of the results. Advice is in the form of follow up (implication) to be done in connection with the findings or conclusions of the author. The overall conclusions and recomendations should be presented in a straightforward and concise manner with at least 10 percent of the total pages.