
  • Rusli Ilham Fadli Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia FIP Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang


Multiliteration is currently a learning method that has been developed by teachers, who
previously used literacy that only read and write less widely, currently multiliteration of students can
develop ways of reading and using various internet media and free media. Multiliteration remains to read
and write. In reading students must have a septetap concept to read and write. In reading students must
have a septetap concept to read and write. In reading students must have criteria such as characters, taste,
creativity, and desire, which allows each reader.
Indonesian language learning has a very important role not only for communication and also
for the benefit of mastering science. According to Ghazali (2010: 168) language learning is "a process
that runs linearly, which starts with English (listening and speaking) and then switches to written
language (reading and writing). So, nothing is interconnected and cannot be used in the learning process.
However, reading and writing are very important, this is caused by reading for tools for things that can
increase knowledge and the development of messages in young reading material can be written in writing,
namely writing. Even so, reading and writing books are easy to do and learn through the right learning
process. The ability to read and the ability to write relationships that cannot be ignored.
Based on the photoshoot about learning to read and write above the Target. The evaluation
results of Bloom's Taxonomy include cognitive, affective, psychomotor domains. In the third 2013
curriculum, it is used in research, so researchers will share it and provide remediation solutions.
Evaluation of learning has two dimensions, namely the evaluation of the learning process and
evaluation of learning outcomes. Evaluation of the learning process is an evaluation system that needs to
be done by the teacher to determine the quality of learning. this activity is referred to as a reflection of the
learning process with this activity the teacher can find the advantages and disadvantages of the learning
process that has been done. Evaluation of the learning process is a process to determine the value,
services or benefits of learning activities through assessment and measurement activities. Making learning
evaluations includes consideration of results, services, learning processes, and program benefits (Dimyati
and Mudjiono, 2006: 221). Evaluation of learning outcomes emphasizes the information to what extent
the results of the evaluation achieved by students in accordance with the stated goals. Thus, evaluation of
learning outcomes sets the good and bad results of learning activities.
Researchers in determining the results of evaluation in learning multiliteration language and
literature divide it into three domains that each of them has its own evaluation method. The 2013
curriculum system requires teachers that every basic competency can be evaluated so that students will
achieve completeness in every competency. A separate evaluation system has an impact on the instructor
as, the instructor must combine the way of learning, the teacher seeks material that matches the
combination of three competencies. Multiliteration evaluation allows the teacher to work hard to find
reading material and learning models that can exclude the three competencies. Reading and writing have
separate assessment criteria.


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