Retain Employees from The Influence of Inside and Outside The Local AMDK Company in Jombang


  • Agus Frianto Universitas Negeri Surabaya



compensation, work environment and turnover intention


This research was conducted to determine the effect of compensation variable significantly on employee    turnover intention. This study also wanted to know the effect of work environment on employee turnover intention. And this study tested together the variable compensation and working environment of this study against variable turnover intention.   Empirically this research results in a   significan influence between variable independent and   dependent. Where             partially    compensated variables have a sig value of 0.00 and a working environment variable with a sig value of 0.011 with a determination value of R2 = 0.532 equivalent to 53.2%. It is described that both variable independent research can explain its relationship with its dependent variables    strongly. The value of Fcalculated > Table Ftabel is 41,303 in table 3. At the results  of this  research the company was  asked  to be able to provide a large compensation that  is   tailored   to the level of needs of employees in general and the procurement and improving of the facilities and pre-existing in the company's.


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How to Cite

Frianto, A. (2020). Retain Employees from The Influence of Inside and Outside The Local AMDK Company in Jombang. BISEI : Jurnal Bisnis Dan Ekonomi Islam, 5(02), 41–48.


