DIMENSI PENDIDIKAN SHALAT BAGI MANUSIA (Kajian Kritis terhadap Tasyri’ Shalat)


  • Ali Said Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng Jombang




This article intends to examine the educational dimension
of shalat for humans. Through the concept offered by law, prayer is
not only a means of ritual expression of a servant to worship God,
let alone just a religious duty that must be met by all adherents
without understanding the function and mission execution of such
obligations. Shalat is the lessons learned from the discipline of the
time, speech, movement, concentration, and packed full compliance
in the theme of prayer which include; cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. Therefore to understand prayer as a whole, then the
prayer is, and must also be understood for whom prescribed
prayers, which in turn indicates that the recipes offered through
prayer will be able to understand and be understood, this
understanding will realize the importance of prayer actors for him,
and in the end the prayer performed with high awareness, without
compulsion. If everything was done voluntarily and happily, then
comfort will arise, naturally, instinctively, people who feel
comfortable life then certainly it would be a good person, a good
person will always do things that are good also. Changed and these
changes are an indication of the success of obliged praying for
humans. Humans who received correctly and continuously every
day five times a person will definitely be righteous, namely, ashshaalihiin
that according to Quran is a group of people who are
devoted to God and who joined the group of prophets, people who
always true, and the martyrs.
Keywords: Education prayer, shalat


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How to Cite

Said, A. (2016). DIMENSI PENDIDIKAN SHALAT BAGI MANUSIA (Kajian Kritis terhadap Tasyri’ Shalat). Al Tadib : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.33752/altadib.v4i2.28


