Pengageman Takwa di Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Kajian Semiotika Terhadap Simbol-Simbol Islam dalam Pakaian Sultan Sebagai Persentuhan Antara Nilai Islam dengan Budaya Jawa)


  • Mohammad Arif Setyabudi Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari


Semiotics is a branch of language philosophy discussing about
symbols, signs, codes, and language utterances which becoming part of
a language used as human communication device. Semiotics ascertains
that all signs, symbols and other utterances used by human have some
meaning, though sometimes the language receiver cannot understand
them. Thus, here the task of semiotics is very important. Because
everything resulted from creation, sensation, intention, and human
works always have the certain aim and purpose. It is also found in the
clothes as a societal symbol in Yogyakarta Palace. The Palace is only one
of the examples of the Javanese culture and Islamic Kingdom fusion.
Until now, they become the agreement of glorious values that has been
recognized and preserved.


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