Pengelolaan Sanitasi Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Sebagai Media Mewujudkan Budaya Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Santri di Kabupaten Jombang


  • Haris Supratno Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Pesantren or Islamic boarding house is the nonformal
education institution which is old and has a great influence to the life of
society. Pesantren has an important role as the central of learning,
understanding, perceiving, and realizing Islamic teaching. Also, it
becomes the central of expanding Islamic sciences and establishing the
character, ethics and moral of society. Even, recently, many Pesantren
have change from time to time. In the past, Pesantren only becomes the
central of expanding religious sciences, but now, some Pesantren
becomes the central of spreading public sciences because they also
provide the public education institution, starts from the elementary to
the university to adapt the development of societal need. Generally,
many Pesantren in Jombang regency have not managed yet the water
sanitation, food, garbage, waste, housing, inside-outside environmental
Pesantren management as well. They also have not fulfilled the standard
of sanity, especially in some small and traditional Pesantren. In addition,
the role of Pesantren in empowering the societal productivity is very
great in the area of social, economy, education, and religion. The
moslem scholars (santri), in general, have the modest, independent,
obedient, and respectful behavior to their teachers (Kyai and Ustadz).
They also have social and tolerant behavior.


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